Foreign Warship On Bosphorus in 2016 (Part 9)

Spanish mine hunter ESPS Tambre making her southbound passage at the end of her 21 day duration in Black Sea. Photo: Yörük Işık.
Russian auxiliary cargo ship Kazan-60 heading to Syria with military vehicles on her deck. Photo: Alper Böler.
Alexander Tkachenko
Russian civilian RO-RO ship Alexander Tkachenko making her southbound passage with numerous military vehicles on her deck. Her destination is Syria. Photo: Alper Böler.
Alexander Tkachenko2
A close up photo of the cargo on Alexander Tkachenko. Photo: Alper Böler.
Russian Amur class repair ship PM-138 passing through Istanbul Strait. Her destination is Tartus, Syria. Photo: Yörük Işık.

Two Russian ships the civilian RO-RO Alexander Tkachenko and the auxiliary cargo ship Kazan-60 made their Mediterranean deployment this week. Both ships were loaded with military vehicles. There were 9 fuel trailers and 28 trucks (either GAZ-66 or ZIL-130). The cargo on Kazan-60 was hidden under camouflage netting thus identifying her exact cargo is not possible. However the shapes under the camouflage net looked very much like  GAZ-66 and Ural-4320 truck or similar vehicles.

The list of the foreign warships passed through Istanbul Strait is here.

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