>Turkish Contribution To NATO Operations Off Libya Takes Shape


F-243 TCG Yıldırım. Here in Çanakkale on 18 March 2011, soon
off the coast of Libya.

Turkish contribution to NATO enforced maritime embargo to Libya takes shape.

Yesterday, on 23 March it was announced that Turkey would send 4 frigates, one replenishment tanker and one submarine to the NATO task force off the coast of Libya. According to news reports this intention was officially declared to NATO in writing.

Today Turkish Parliament will discus about sending warships to Libya and will vote on the subject. I expect that the motion will be accepted by majority.

The following ships are selected for the NATO Task Force:

A-580 TCG Akar Tanker In Transit to Libya
F-243 TCG Yıldırım Frigate In Transit to Libya
F-… TCG …x Frigate In Transit to Libya
F-491 TCG Giresun Frigate Off Libya
F-492 TCG Gemlik Frigate Off Libya
S-350 TCG Yıldıray submarine Not Avaliable
Bosphorus Naval News

It turns out that creating a Turkish Naval Task Force and sending it on a cruise in Mediterranean during last summer, was a very good  exercise. I am sure the lessons learned from that cruise will be used for the planing of the current operations.

Hat Tipp: A very good friend of mine: Arda Mevlutoğlu.

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