First Steel Is Cut For Turkish TCG Bayraktar

LST_NG_2 copy LST_NG copy

Suddenly and silently the construction of the first of the two new LST class ships has started.

The first steel was cut on 14 May 2014 at ADİK Shipyard. The first ship will be called as TCG Bayraktar; the name proves that the old TCG Bayraktar, an old LST-511 class landing ship is out of commission.

The contract for the construction of two new LST class landing ships was signed between ADIK shipyard and SSM in 16 June 2011. It took almost two years for the shipyard to find the 370 million Euro credit to cover the project as required by the contract.

The shipyard expect to hand the ship to Turkish Navy in 34 months on 17 February 2017.

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