Turkish Warships On Bosphorus

The last few days we were able to witness a couple of Turkish warships on Bosphorus.

A-579 TCG Cezayirli Hasan Paşa Photo: Yörük Işık. Used with permission.

The Rhein class tender, A-579 TCG Cezayirli Hasan Paşa is a ship with many missions. She and her sister TCG Sokullu Mehmet Paşa are used for the training cruises of midshipmen of Turkish Naval Academy. The two ships are also employed as flagships of fleets when necessary. TCG Cezayirli Hasan Paşa was the flag ship of NATO’s SNMCMG-2 in 2012.

TCG Ç-138

TCG Ç-138 is one of the 13 landing craft build in 80’sand 90’s. The older landing craft is being replaced by the newer generation which is almost 10 knots faster than these old workhorses.

P-305 TCG Ağ-5

TCG Ağ-5 stated her life as a boom vessel in 1960. She was constructed in Germany by US funding for Turkish Navy. Since anti submarine nets are soo out dated this ship is used for miscellaneous duties.

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