Russian Warship Movements Through Turkish Straits (Part 44)

KB-14-04-03-Gemi (4)-a
012 Olenegorskiy Gorniak passing through the Bosphorus. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.
KB-14-04-03-Gemi (5)a
012 Olenegorskiy Gorniak passing through the Bosphorus. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.
KB-14-04-03-Gemi (10)a
102 Kaliningrad passing through the Bosphorus. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.
102 Kaliningrad passing through the Bosphorus. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.

This morning in the early hours, two Russian Ropucha class landing ships 102 Kaliningrad from Baltic Fleet and 012 Olenegorskiy Gorniak from Northern Fleet have passed through Bosphorus as they were returning from their Syrian Express deployment.

Both ship made their southbound passage through Bosphorus on 23 March 2014.

The list of Russian warship movements in 2014:

Date Number Name Direction
02/01/14 016 Georgiy Pobedonosets Northbound
02/01/14 156 Yamal Northbound
18/01/14 016 Georgiy Pobedonosets Southbound
18/01/14 151 Azov Southbound
27/01/14 102 Kaliningrad Southbound
01/02/14 016 Georgiy Pobedonosets Northbound
01/02/14 151 Azov Northbound
07/02/14 810 Smetlivy Northbound
10/02/14 016 Georgiy Pobedonosets Southbound
10/02/14 151 Azov Southbound
20/02/14 150 Saratov Southbound
20/02/14 156 Yamal Southbound
26/02/14 102 Kaliningrad Northbound
26/02/14 127 Minsk Northbound
04/03/14 150 Saratov Northbound
04/03/14 156 Yamal Northbound
23/03/14 012 Olenegorskiy Gorniak Southbound
23/03/14 102 Kaliningrad Southbound
23/03/14 127 Minsk Southbound
03/04/14 012 Olenegorskiy Gorniak Northbound
03/04/14 102 Kaliningrad Southbound

I have archived the list of the Russian ship movements in 2013.

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