Russian Warship Movements Through Turkish Straits (Part 37)

016 Georgiy Pobedonosets passing through Bosphorus. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.
016 Georgiy Pobedonosets (left) and one unidentified Ropucha (right) passing through Bosphorus. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.
016 Georgiy Pobedonosets (left) and one unidentified Ropucha (right) passing through Bosphorus. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.
016 Georgiy Pobedonosets passing through Bosphorus. Two Turkish Coast Guard vessels are escorting the Russians. Photo: Kerim Bozkurt. Used with permission.

This morning we had two Russian Ropucha class landing ship returning from their Syrian Deployment. One of them was 016 Georgiy Pobedonosets, the other remained unidentified.

The list of Russian warship movements in 2014:

Date Number Name Direction
02/01/14 016 Georgiy Pobedonosets Northbound
02/01/14 ? ? Northbound

I have archived the list of the Russian ship movements in 2013.

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