Russian Warships In Eastern Mediterranean

It’s a shame that I didn’t had my regular camera with me today. This is the Russian tug SB-5 returning from Mediterranean.

Their southbound passage through the Turkish Straits, a fortnight ago was with much fanfare and media attention. Their return to their home was as silent as a thief sneaking into a house. I must admit that the Russian have a very good understanding of how to play the PR game and they are good at it.

The four ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet that was in the Eastern Mediterranean in the last two weeks returned home yesterday and today. Yesterday the Ropucha class landing ship Tsezar Kunikov, the Alligator class landing ship Nikolay Filchenkov and the salvage tug Shakhter passed through the Bosphorus on their way back to Sevastopol. Today the tug SB-5 made the same voyage.

This is the list of the Russian ships currently deployed (or for the Black Sea units recently deployed) in the Eastern Mediterranean:

Tsezar Kunikov Large landing ship Black Sea Fleet @Black Sea
Nikolay Filchenkov Large landing ship Black Sea Fleet @Black Sea
Shakhter Tug Black Sea Fleet @Black Sea
SB-5 Tug Black Sea Fleet @Black Sea
Smetlivy Destroyer Black Sea Fleet @Mediterranean
Admiral Chabaenko Destroyer Northern Fleet @Mediterranean
Yaroslav Mudry Frigate Baltic Fleet @Mediterranean
Kondapoga Large landing ship Northern Fleet @Mediterranean
Alexander Otrakovskıy Large landing ship Northern Fleet @Mediterranean
Georgıy Podedonosets Large landing ship Northern Fleet @Mediterranean
Segei Osipov Replenishment tanker Northern Fleet @Mediterranean
Nikolay Chicker Tug Northern Fleet @Mediterranean

4 thoughts on “Russian Warships In Eastern Mediterranean

    1. Hi Jean-Marc, thank you very much for this information. There is absolutely nothing on Turkish media about the northbound passage of Smetlivy.

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